Wednesday, August 8, 2012


One week ago I had the pleasure of serving on a panel entitled “Seasons of a Woman.” I did not realize what a tremendous blessing this would be. The topics covered almost every area of a woman’s life. There was a panelist who had a human resources background, so she discussed professional women in the workplace. Other topics were marriage; parenting and then I discussed healthy/unhealthy relationships.

Healing took place in that room that Friday evening.

To add icing to the cake, that following Saturday morning I spoke at a women’s empowerment brunch on “Empowering Your Future: People Want to Know Your Story.”  Talk about powerful! My heart was so overjoyed that I was crying while presenting. I consider myself a professional speaker so that was not my normal. Nevertheless, the tears shed were cleansing.
Then I accepted a new position having to resign from my beloved job at a local non-profit. I struggled making this decision because I was the one of the few who actually loves their job. But when life has you in a period of transition you have no choice but to move. While I struggled with saying, “yes”, I also knew that I had to be business-like and think of myself and my family.

What is a transition and how do you know when you are in one? I thought you’d never ask. Merriam-Webster defines “transition” as: passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another. The next word in the definition in all capital letters: CHANGE. I am not one to neglect my spiritual side. It is because of this that I always remain sensitive to God’s voice. I have known since January 2012 that this would be the year of transition for me. I have experienced change in several areas of my life; some good, some not so good. Yet, I have learned the lessons that accompany each.
Transitions are inevitable and essential; essential to your growth and development; upward mobility or any lateral move you make. They are unavoidable. The process will go smoothly if you allow it to happen and not go kicking and screaming. But, I hear you. We are human beings and it is in our nature to resist change. Think about it. How much more does that put off the thing that God wants to happen in your life?

Today, I’m encouraging you to embrace the change that is happening in your life. Don’t resist it. Don’t postpone it.
You never know what blessing will be waiting on you, the other side of through.

Be Inspired! Be Encouraged! Be Empowered!

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